About our Promoting Agency

XLVets Ireland is a network of independently owned, vibrant and progressive veterinary practices that are all committed to the principle of clinical excellence. Our network encompasses over 190 veterinarians, 90 veterinary nurses, a further 160 support team members, serving more than 17% of the Irish market for veterinary products and services.

Our membership model is built by members, for members. Our success is from smart, focused, value driving works, closely collaborating and delivering strong commercial benefits, sound organisational processes and support to members.

XLVets members are part of a successful global community of veterinary networks in the UK, New Zealand and Canada. By providing a model that supports collaborative working, members have the opportunity to share ideas and learn new skills beyond their regional and country boundaries.

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One of the main principles of organic livestock farming is to maintain the…

highest possible animal health and welfare standards. We have participated in a number of XLVets Skillnet programmes delivered by trainer Mark Drought, Avondale Veterinary. Mark has always been available to give advice on any animal health issues and assisted Cloragh Organic Farm in drawing up an animal health plan that has helped prevent disease on our farm and improve overall flock health.“
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Lucy Tottenham

Cloragh Organic Farm, Wicklow

“The graduate mentorship programme is a fantastic opportunity”

“to meet other young vets adjusting to the reality of veterinary life! The first veterinary job after college can be quite daunting and challenging. The programme provides a chance to gain valuable knowledge from vets that have been working in the profession for many years. It is directed in a pleasant and informal manner with hands on practical experience. The speakers involved make a huge effort to involve every participant throughout the course. The programme has been invaluable to me in gaining knowledge about many aspects of the veterinary profession. It has also given me the chance to meet people from the XLVet network throughout the country. I have enjoyed getting to know the participants also and I hope that we can stay in contact in the future.””
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Dolores Cassells

Tullamore, Co. Offaly